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Hula Hoops

Hula Hoops

Hula Hoop crisps emerged on the market in 1973 with their iconic hollow disc shaped crisp, and they were a big hit. Presently nearly half a billion packs of Hula Hoops eaten yearly in the UK, its one of the UK’s best loved crisps. They are known for the crunchy, flavourful fun they can provide, with even the maturest of adults popping them on their fingers to enjoy some childish fun.

What Different Types Are There?

You may think that the Hula Hoop crisp design may limit them on variety, but never the less, this brand has evolved and developed a variety of different crisps. Past varieties have been Square Hoops (1996), Big O’s (1998), XL (2001) and Shoks (2002). Current available varieties are Hula Hoops, Flavarings, Big Hoops and Pufts.

What Flavours Are There?

Not only do Hula Hoops come in different sizes and shapes, but also many different flavours. We’d like to take a moment to remember the fallen crisp flavours; Tikka, Crisp Roulette, Beef and Mustard, Cheese, Prawn Cocktail, Sour Cream and Chive, Tomato Ketchup and Vanilla Cream. However, the loss of these has allowed for the champion Hula Hoop flavours to emerge across the various types; Spicy, Sweet Chilli, BBQ Beef, Cheese & Onion, Original, Roast Chicken, Salt & Vinegar and Smoky Bacon and the new one… Spicy Chilli. If One Pound Crisps could stock them all, we would, but currently our warehouse sells the original and BBQ beef.

If you’re as mad about Hula Hoops as we are then you can indulge your cravings with boxes of them, as one pound crisps sells big hoops original and bbq beef by the case load (with no limit on how many cases you can buy)

Are They Vegan, Vegetarian, Dairy Free Or Gluten Free?

Hula Hoop Big Hoops original ARE suitable for vegetarians. However, they MAY contain milk and gluten, therefore they are NOT dairy free, gluten free or vegan.

Hula Hoop Big Hoops BBQ beef ARE suitable for vegetarians. However, they do contain milk and are therefore not dairy free or vegan. Furthermore they MAY contain gluten so consequently they are NOT gluten free.